closing device 關(guān)閉裝置
closure 關(guān)閉裝置
clothing 衣服
cloud chamber smoke detection 云室感煙探測
cloud chamber 云室
cloud cover 云層
cloud 浮云狀物
cloudburst 大暴雨
cloudy 多云的
club room 娛樂室
clutch 離合器
cm = centimeter 厘米
CM = cumulonimbus mammatus 乳房狀積雨云
CMA = Chemical Manufactures' Association 化學(xué)品制造者協(xié)會
CMC = carboxymethylcellulose 羧甲基纖維素
CMD = Coal Mine Department 煤礦管理局
CN = cellulose nitrate 硝酸纖維素
CN plastic = cellulose nitrate plastic 硝酸纖維素塑料
CNG system = compressed natural gas system 壓縮天然氣系統(tǒng)
CNS = Children's Nightwear Standard 《兒童睡衣標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》
CO = carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
CO exposure 一氧化碳暴露
CO poisoning 一氧化碳中毒
co-polymer 共聚體
CO2 battery 二氧化碳鋼瓶組
CO2 cartridge 二氧化碳貯氣瓶
CO2 extinguishing system 二氧化碳滅火系統(tǒng)
CO2 horn 二氧化碳報警器
CO2 real station 固定二氧化碳卷盤裝置
CO2 release station 二氧化碳施放裝置
CO2= carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
coal adustion 煤的可燃性
coal bunker 煤倉
coal burner 煤炭燃燒器
coal burning stove 煤爐
coal burst 煤突出
coal chemical 煤化學(xué)制品
coal classification 煤的分類
coal combustible 煤的可燃成分
coal dust cementing agent 煤塵粘合劑
coal field gas 煤田氣
coal fired boiler 燃煤鍋爐
coal firing 燃煤的
coal gas producer 煤氣發(fā)生爐
coal gas 煤氣
coal gassification 煤的氣化
coal mine atmosphere 煤礦空氣
coal mining 采煤
coal oil 煤油
coal preparation plant 煤準(zhǔn)備廠
coal tar distillation 煤焦油精餾
coal tar oil 煤焦油
coal tar phenols 煤焦油苯酚
coal tar pitch 瀝青
coal tar 煤焦油
coal 煤
coal-dust explosibility 煤塵易爆性
coal-dust explosion 煤塵爆炸
coal-dust 煤塵
coal-mine explosion 煤礦爆炸
coal-mine fire 煤礦火災(zāi)
coal-mine powder 煤礦用炸藥
coal-mining explosive 煤礦炸藥
coal-refuse fire 爐渣發(fā)火
coalesce 聚結(jié)
coalex-type dynamite 寇列克斯炸藥
coaming 艙口攔板
Coanda effect 附壁效應(yīng)
coarse adjustment 粗調(diào)
coarse control 粗調(diào)控制
coarse fuel 重質(zhì)可燃物<指原木
coarse tuning 粗調(diào)
coated fabric 涂浸織物
coated refractory 有涂層的耐火材料
coated sprinkler 有涂層的灑水噴頭
coater 涂料器
coating additive 涂料添加劑
coating process 涂布工藝
coating 涂層
coaxial cable 同軸電纜
cock ball 球閥
cock 旋塞
cockloft 閣樓
cockpit fire 座艙著火
cockpit 駕駛艙
code administration 法規(guī)管理
code criteria 規(guī)范標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
code enforcement program 法規(guī)實施規(guī)劃
code enforcement 法規(guī)實施
code of ethics 道德規(guī)范
Code of Federal Regulation 聯(lián)邦法規(guī)匯編
code of monitored location 部位號
code requirement 規(guī)范要求
code 電碼
coded alarm system 編碼報警系統(tǒng)
coded radio type alarm box 編碼無線電式報警箱
coded signal 編碼信號
coded system 編碼系統(tǒng)
coded telegraphic type alarm box 編碼電極式報警箱
coded voice combination 編碼話音組合系統(tǒng)
coded wired municipal fire alarm box 有線編碼市政火災(zāi)報警盒
coded 編碼的
coefficient of discharge 流量系數(shù)
coefficient of elasticity 彈性系數(shù)
coefficient of expansion 膨脹系數(shù)
coefficient of flow 流量系數(shù)
coefficient of linear expansion 線性膨脹系數(shù)
coefficient of performance 性能系數(shù)
coefficient of thermal expansion 熱膨脹系數(shù)
coffee break 工間休息
coffee pot chuck 咖啡壺消火栓
coffin 容器
cog-wheel 嵌齒輪
cohesion 附著力
cohesionless soil 松散的土壤
cohesive quality 粘聚性
cohesive soil 粘性土壤
coil hose 卷疊水帶
coinsurance 共同保險
coir rope 棕纜
coir 椰纖維
coke breeze 焦炭屑
coke car 消火車
coke oven chemical 焦?fàn)t化學(xué)產(chǎn)品
coke oven gas 焦?fàn)t氣
coke water gas 煉焦水煤氣
coke 焦炭
coking coal 煉焦煤
cold cathode tube 冷陰極管
cold smoke zone 冷煙區(qū)