lifting jack 舉升器
lifting 火焰懸浮
ligament 韌帶
light activated element 光敏元件
light adaptation 光適應(yīng)
light amplifier 光放大器
light attack vehicle 輕型消防車<座位少于三個
light burn 輕度過火<土壤覆蓋了部份炭化的有機物
light burning 輕質(zhì)可燃物的燒除
light fastness 耐光性
light filter respirator 輕便防毒面具
light fixture 燈具
light fuel 輕質(zhì)可燃物<枯草葉
light hazard occupancy 低火險用房
light hazard 低火險用房<辦公室
light intensity 光強度
light level 光級
light obscuration principle 光線遮蔽原理
light obscuration smoke detection 減光型感煙火災(zāi)探測
light oil 輕油
light plant 照明車
light reflection 光反射
light rescue vehicle 輕型救援車
light roof 輕質(zhì)屋面
light scattering principle 光線散射原理
light scattering smoke detection 散光型感煙火災(zāi)探測
light sensitive element 光敏元件
light sensor 光敏元件
light signal 光信號
light source projection equipment 光源放映設(shè)備
light switch 電燈開關(guān)
light water foam 輕水泡沫
light water 輕水
light well 采光井
light wind 軟風(fēng)
light wood 引火柴
light 光
light-emitting diode 發(fā)光二極管
light-emitting sign 發(fā)光信號
light-off time limit timer 限時點燃定時器
light-off 點燃
light-sensitive device 光敏裝置
lighter 打火機
lighting and signs 照明和標記
lighting burner 照明燈
lighting circuit 照明電路
lighting fitting 燈具
lighting gas 燈用煤氣
lighting installation 照明設(shè)備
lighting lead 照明導(dǎo)線
lighting off 點火
lighting outlet 引出線
lighting panel 照明配線盤
lighting set 照明裝置
lighting unit 照明車
lighting 采光
lightning activity level 閃電活動度<雷擊的相對頻率
lightning arrester 避雷裝置
lightning conductor 避雷器
lightning current 雷電流
lightning damage 雷擊損害
lightning fire occurrence index 雷擊發(fā)生率
lightning fire 雷擊火災(zāi)
lightning flash 電閃
lightning gap 放電隙
lightning overvoltage 閃電過電壓
lightning plate protector 板式避雷器
lightning proof 防雷擊裝置
lightning protection coating 防雷擊涂層
lightning protection earthing 避雷接地
lightning protection system 避雷裝備
lightning protection 避雷
lightning protective coating 防雷擊涂層
lightning protector 避雷器
lightning risk 雷擊危險
lightning rod 避雷針
lightning strike 雷擊
lightning stroke 雷擊
lightning 閃電
lightweight concrete 輕質(zhì)混凝土
lightweight construction 輕型結(jié)構(gòu)
lightweight refractory 輕質(zhì)耐火材料
lightweight 輕(型
lignin 木質(zhì)素
lignite 褐煤
limber 污水道
limbing 截去
lime 石灰
limestone 石灰石
limit control 限位控制裝置
limit load design 極限荷載設(shè)計
limit of concentration 濃度極限
limit of detonability 爆轟極限
limit of flammability 易燃性極限
limit of inflammability 燃燒極限
limit of reach 射程極限
limit switch 限位開關(guān)
limit ventilation rate 極限通風(fēng)速率
limited access highway 限制進入的高速公路
limited area system 有限區(qū)域系統(tǒng)
limited combustibility 有限的可燃性
limited evacuation 有限疏散
limited-combustible material 有限可燃物質(zhì)
limited-growth fire 有限成長火災(zāi)
limiting adiabatic flame temperature 極限絕熱火焰溫度
limiting fatigue stress 極限疲勞應(yīng)力
limiting heat-release rate 極限釋熱率
limiting oxygen index 最低氧指數(shù)
limiting safe mixture 極限安全混合物
limiting temperature 極限溫度
line battery 線路電池組
line belt 傳送帶
line 水帶線
linear accelerator 線性加速器
linear amplification 線性放大
linear beam type smoke detector 光束線型感煙探測器
linear diagram 線性曲線圖
linear discharge 線性噴射
linear energy transfer 能量直線傳輸
linear expansion 線性膨脹
linear programming 線性規(guī)劃
linear relation 線性關(guān)系
linear relationship 線性關(guān)系
linear spray 線性噴灑
linear 線的