

類別:繪本課件 更新時間:2014年07月10日 16:42:21




  look,the train is coming  Milly and Molly dawdled along in the sun.Suddenly,they heard the rumble of a train.

  “Come on,you’ll miss it,” shouted Molly.

  Milly ran as fast as she could to catch up.”No,I won’t.” she said.  They reached the Railway Bridge just as the train snaked around the hill and came towards them.

  “I see it.”cried Molly.

  “I saw it first.”puffed Milly.  High in the blue sky above the train,a small plane drew a soft white line.

  “That’s magic.”said Milly.Molly just nodded.  The rumble of the train grew louder and louder.So loud,it rumbled in Milly and Molly’s chests.

  As it came straight towards them,they wanted to run.  Suddenly,the engine driver blew two hoots on the whistle and he waved.

  Milly and Molly waved back wildly,jumping up and down as they did.................

類別:繪本課件 更新時間:2014年07月10日
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