
幼兒園感恩節(jié)活動(dòng)教案 感恩節(jié)的火雞(2)

媽咪愛(ài)嬰網(wǎng) hltdp.com.cn 2011年11月24日 10:40:10


  活動(dòng)目標(biāo) gobbler(二課時(shí))

  方法:Measure in 1 inch from the edge of a round oatmeal box lid, draw a line across, and cut. Snip around the edg of the larger piece to make feathers.  Cut a head and two feet from the smaller section。  Poke two slits near the straight edge of the larger section and insert the feet. Glue the head at the center.  Use tempera to paint your turkey brown with white feather tips and eye, yellow beak and feet, and a red wattle.

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